
Maker Beautiful LLC

This SVG Cricut Course.......🤯

Published about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey Beautiful-

Fun fact: Cricut Crafting does NOT have to be a struggle!

Far to many times as crafters we get stuck when there is clearly a better way. The SVG Creator course is the secret waepon you need to ditch the struggle and create what you want to MAKE WITH CRICUT.

And right now is the BEST time to grab it! Cause a little secret is that it's really only $147 plus if you grab it before midnight you get an awesome FREE Cricut bonus course to go with it.

What are you waiting for?

There is no better time.

Grab it now -> SVG CREATOR(click here)

It’s an insanely good deal, but you’ll have to act quick!​​

Xo- KK

P.S. The reason I send out multiple emails for a sale like this is because I know that I always have a tendency to wait until the last minute, which means that maybe you do too! And even though a part of me feels like I am bombarding you, it never fails that tomorrow my inbox will be filled with emails from people who are super sad that they missed out on 60% OFF and now the course doors are closed. I really don’t want that to be you!

Don't wait grab it now-> SVG CREATOR COURSE

PLUS GET BONUS FREE ACCESS TO THE EARLY BIRD SPECIAL WITH PURCHASE before midnight 2/28/22- the Cricut Vinyl Master Course a $297 value!

Please note: This message may contain some affiliate links for your convenience

(which means if you make a purchase after clicking on a link I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you)

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Maker Beautiful LLC

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